
... who is it?

ADSRUBALE is a little smile hidden in any piece of wood.

You need some patience, the right tools and a little scrap of wood. Asdrubale was already there inside, smiling.
The message is "there's always a smile hidden, even inside an old leg of a chair".

With the very simple thoughts of a little wood head, he does not trust things so much, so he does not create obstacles to himself
: not reasoning, he does not insist in solving problems, so problems get dissolved by themselves... not like us, who do reason a lot and result making big mistakes. Lucky him with the advantage of not knowing nor sense of inferiority nor pride. (Like anyone recognizing and accepting his/her inner nature. Of course, for him it's easier, it's made of wood...)

Asdrubale looks at the world with the irony of knowing himself unique and totally irrelevant. "Mens nana in corpore nano"... not totally useless, sure not necessary, he's too little to understand the world -  and wise enough not to try to. So he looks at the world, and smiles. And the world goes on, as always, with a smile more.

If you had a X-ray sight you could see plenty of Asdrubali hidden in branches and trunks of trees, all there smiling.
In people as well, it's not always easy, often they are hidden so well... inside ourselves too, sometimes it's hard but sure there's a smile hidden deep inside.
Try it to believe it.

  a merry-go-round,  before going into the world...

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